Why choose us?

Clínica dental en Bilbao

Confidence you can see it, braces you can´t

Clínica Zabalegui , del tratamiento más tradicional al más innovador


It´s not a secret that Dr. Paula Zabalegui and her entire team are dedicated to helping patients achieve the smiles of their dreams.

Board certified orthodontist:

Paula Zabalegui has studied a 3 year masters degree in advanced orthodontics at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles). Additionally, she is certified by the American Board of Orthodontics.
Posicionamiento correcto de los dientes y los maxilares en clínica Zabalegui


We trully believe new technologies are worth for our orthodontics treatment. We invest in cutting-edge technology to ensure an excellent treatment.


This is the 4th generation of dentists in our family. We use technology and new treatments to stay on the leading edge of orthodontics.
Clínica dental en Bilbao

First visit is for free. Prevention is the best treatment